GT1. Education and Culture in Human Rights
Studies of a theoretical and historical nature on the philosophical, cultural and educational foundations of Human Rights. Reflections on contemporary science and culture and their implications for human rights. Studies on the articulation between Human Rights and Values. Analyzes about the paradigmatic changes occurring in the production of knowledge and the resulting demands, necessary for the educational process. The most appropriate theories and pedagogical methods for a human rights education in formal and informal education and other spaces of development. Education in Human Rights for specific identity subjects: gender, ethnicity, children, adolescents, the environment, etc. Reflection and systematization of educational practices in human rights.
Coordinator: Profa. Maria of Nazaré T. Zenaide – Department of Social Service – PPGDH – CCHLA
GT2. Violence, Public Security and Human Rights
Violence, culture and crime. Violence reduction policies and practices. Participation and social control in security. Movement and systems of criminal policies. Education of security and justice professionals. Knowledge management and criminal intelligence. Public safety, human rights and democracy.
Coordinator: Prof. Paulo Vieira de Moura – Department of Legal Sciences – CCJ/Santa Rita – UFPB
GT3. Theory and History of Human Rights and Democracy
Studies on the social and conceptual history of human rights: reconstruction of the historical trajectory of the emergence and evolution of Human Rights in Modernity. History of social struggles in Brazil. Studies of a theoretical and historical nature on the philosophical foundations of human rights. Ethics and human rights: social values, moral principles and commitment to human rights. Studies on social exclusion and its role in the construction of human rights. Studies on Politics and its articulation with human rights. The different conceptions of democracy and human rights; democracy and liberalism, democracy and socialism. The role of the state and the “new public sphere of citizenship” in the promotion and defense of human rights at local, national and international levels. Human Rights and Geopolitics. The role of organized civil society and that of social movements – from the neighborhood to the United Nations – to produce a historical effectiveness that can ensure the ever greater and more effective implementation of human rights. Human Rights and Globalization. Studies on political culture and its relationship with the development of citizenship.
Coordinator: Prof. Giuseppe Tosi – Department of Philosophy – PPGDH – CCHLA
GT4. Territory, Ethnicity and Human Rights
Originally this Theme Group was denominated “Territory, Ethnic Territoriality and Culture in Human Rights”, but it was decided to change to “Territory, Ethnicity and Human Rights” in the sense of greater precision to the statement. It aims to contribute to the theoretical-methodological discussion, knowledge production and extensionist action, deliberately interdisciplinary, based on the lives and experiences of natives and quilombola groups, as well as rural and urban associations and communities. It is also dedicated to socio-spatial movements with diasporas caused from ethnic identities that are manifested both in land conflict and in defense of intangible heritage and human rights.
Coordinator: Maria de Fátima Ferreira Rodrigues – Department of Geosciences/CCEN/UFPB
GT5. Legal Instruments for the Protection and Defense of Human Rights
This group aims to contribute to the production of knowledge and the extension actions, based on the studies on the International Systems for the Protection of Human Rights, Public Audits and Controllers, Civil Organizations and Instruments of Civil Society Participation in the monitoring and protection of Human Rights.
Coordinator: Eduardo Fernandes de Araújo and Hugo Belarmino – Department of Legal Sciences – CCJ/Santa Rita – UFPB
GT6. Rights of the Child and the Adolescent
The GTDHCA is a thematic group, of study and of political articulation with diverse segments of the civil society and governmental organizations that work with ​​children and adolescents. Its studies and actions are guided by the interdisciplinarity and the principle of inseparability between teaching, research and extension, with regard to the human rights of children and adolescents, in accordance with the Statute of the Child and Adolescent – (Brazilian) Federal Law Nº. 8,069, July 13, 1990. MONTHLY MEETINGS – 1st Tuesday of each month, at 10:00 a.m., in the NCDH Room
Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Maria de Fátima Pereira Alberto – Department of Psychology – CCHLA – UFPB
GT7. Sexual and Gender Diversity and Human Rights
This group intends to reflect and debate audiovisual productions based on the agenda of social movements linked to issues of sexuality, sexual orientation and gender relations in its multiple aspects (cinema, video, TV, hypermedia, photography, etc.). The proposal is to foster discussions on audiovisual production focusing on the Northeast region and Paraíba. Thematic issues involving social struggles, public policies and civil society organizations, such as: civil union, abortion, violence, adoption and parenthood, lesbophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, prostitution, sexual exploitation, etc.
Coordinator: José Baptista de Mello Neto
GT8. Migrations and Human Rights
In today’s globalized and excluding world, the issue of human rights in migration emerges as one of the most important and urgent. In this sense, this group intends to associate teaching, research and learning activities with the extension practices in the defense of the human rights of migrants, promoting the interaction between the faculty and students and the migrants in need of assistance. To bring together the various researchers in an interdisciplinary way to carry out studies and make practical proposals for the promotion of the Human Rights of Migrants.
Coordinator: Maritza N. Ferretti C. Farena

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