The Human Rights and Citizenship Center of UFPB, was created by the resolution No. 28/2006 of CONSEPE and inaugurated in July 6, 2007, it’s the result of previous experiences. It borns with the purpose to reunite professors, students and employees from the academic community, who work on education, research and the universitary extension in Human Rights, enabling a better individual and collective performance.
The Center is an interdisciplinary area that wants to surpass the traditional sectorisation of the education in the University. It guided by the principle of the inseparability between education, research and extension. It brings together people who share the same vision about the academic and social importance and the human rights theme, respecting the diversity of the opinions, enabling and stimulating the free and critical debate between the members. The NCDH is institutionally linked to the Center of Human Sciences, Letters and Arts (CCHLA), but it also includes other people from differents Centers of UFPB.
It has agreements with other international and national universities and institutions. It has its own head office, a library “Enzo Melegari”, meeting room, computer lab and classroom. The center is based around Thematic Groups which the representants are part of the Technical-Scientific Council, led by a coordinator and a vice-coordinator.