Language Processing in adults with no pathology
Aimed at investigating issues in the Language Processing area, focusing on adult individuals without any pathology or language deficit. The topics concern linguistic phenomena related to syntactic processing, processing of coreference and morphological processing .
Language Processing and L2 learners/bilinguals
Aimed at investigating issues related to Language Processing learners who have Portuguese as L1 and English or French as L2. The idea is to understand how learners of a foreign language process language and if this processing is different from the processing in the L1 .
Language Processing and Pathologies
Aimed at investigating the linguistic processing in patients with disorders and language deficits. The idea is to understand how language processing happens in these individuals, seeking greater precision concerning the linguistic elements that are affected by the conditions, thereby generating greater accuracy also in terms of diagnosis. In the future, this will enable new forms of treatment and therapy that act more specifically in cases of language deficits.
Language Acquisition
Aimed at investigating early skills of language processing in children language acquisition of mother tongue. Currently, the research is conducted on the acquisition of inflectional and derivational morphology of Brazilian Portuguese as well as the acquisition of intersentential and intrasentential coreference, the latter with regard to the acquisition of the Binding principles, and also, in what concerns with coreference and working memory.